Monday, July 31, 2023

Trinidad - The Imperforates

Painted by water color artist, Edward Henry Corbould
Engraver, Charles Henry Jeens
Printer Perkins Bacon, Recess Printed
Sheet size 110 (11 x 10) and
240 (10x24) for 1s sheets in 1859

Genuine stamps
1851 1d SG 3
1851 1d SG 8
1859 6d SG 72

Items to note
Position of the foot relative to the letter below
Shape and height of spear point
5 pointed star on cap (rarely visible on forgeries)
Shape of side ornaments
White dot in corner elements
Shape and size of letters

Provisional Issues
Demand from shortage of stamps over the period 1852 – 1860
Produced by local French descendent, Charles Petit from a stone plate
Sheet of 54 (9x6)
Imperforate 1d value only
1853 First printing
1855 2nd printing
1856 3rd printing
1858 4th printing
1860 5th printing
The printing degraded noticeably with each issue
These are not noted in most catalogs and can be expensive for good quality ones
They are often listed as "forgeries"
SG13 1st Issue 1853

SG15 2nd Issue 1855

SG16 3rd Issue 1856

SG18 4th Issue 1858

SG 19 in Gray 5th Issue

SG20 5th Issue 1860

These were forged by several known forgers and by many unknown. This is but a sampling of the most comment types found.

Well produced forgery
Note spikes touch framein corner elements
Hand on shield deformed
Head bent too far to the side

Panelli/Oneglia Forgeries
They both worked together at some point so these is no solid opinion as to who made them but here is an interesting point.
First the best known forgeries..
These are the ones normally attributed to Oneglia and sold by Panelli

However I came across the following sold by Fournier who may have obtained them from either of them.

Same type of background but straight chains not zigzag pattern
Hat is tilted
Shading in dress is different

Unknown forger
These are very common and appear the most often in auction sales.
These may be from Spiro.
The head is too tilted
No 5 point star on the cap
The spear tip is not wide or high enough
The foot is too high above the N
The above letters are too low
The other features are the same as the previous.

Torres forgeries
These match his 1876 catalog image shown in the first image on the left.

This set was part of the Fournier Geneva Collection

Primitive forgeries
Possibly a Provisional variety

A reasonable forgery
The side ornaments are faulty
No white ring around the head 
Spear tip is too small

Modern Forgery
Paper is just too new and no gum

Thursday, July 27, 2023

France 1927 C1 & C2

The stamps were produced by applying a typographic overprint to an earlier regular
issue stamp, as a special offering in connection with an aeronautics exhibition. 
A substantial difference in value exists between the regular issue stamp and the air post
overprinted stamp thus leading to many fake attemps.
Some of these are described along with the features of the genuine.
Sound Advice - only get them if certified as I have seen good fakes in prestigious auctions without certificates or only "signed".

The Genuine
Features of genuine and forged overprints.
1. The genuine overprint measures 12mm from wingtip to wingtip. In some forgeries it is between 12.5 and 13mm.
2. The accent over the letter “e” generally does not touch the letter. Not true in all cases
3. In the genuine, the forward wheels have a distinct oval shape; forgeries are often circular.
4. The dot over the "i" should be square, not round. 
5. Another clue is that the lettering is not all on the same line.
6. A rounding-off of the tail rudder also is suspicious.
7. Original overprints have 8 vertical lines of shading on the fuselage; some forged examples have 7 or fewer vertical lines.
8. The tail wheel should be aligned over the "t" of "Poste" or between the "t" and "e" of "Poste". Forgeries generally place the wheel directly above the "e", or to the left of the "t". 
9.The capital P and A should measure 2.5mm high. In some forgeries they are 3mm

Comparison of a Certified copy (top) and an eBay "signed" copy
In the Fake...
Crossbar in A is inclined
Accent over e is not like genuine
Wheels appear to be round
Large dot over the i
Openings in the e's are smaller

Below the common "Kull" fake
Note the rear wheel position, round front wheels and the dot placed too high

More Fakes
Hipstamp fake (no cert) $140

eBay fake ($110)

Another crude eBay fake with many issues in the letters

Another eBay fake
The P is leaning left
The t is rounded
The A crossbar is too low
Overall very smudged effect

-Airmail Stamps: Fakes and Forgeries, Newall, Alexander F.  1990.
-Fakes and Forgeries of the 20th Century  Dr. R G. Gethin, pub. 2006
-Genuine and Forged Overprints of France’s 1927 Air Post Issue, Christopher J. Palermo 2019
-Various stamp forums

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Polish Legion Cinderellas

Jozef Pilsudski raised the Polish Legion to fight against Russia to regain Poland’s independence.
The stamps were charity stamps with no postal value and were intended to promote enlistment in the Polish Legion.
The four values exist perforated and imperforate. Printed in Vienna, 30 X 34mm.

Jozef Pilsudski wartime hero

These Cinderellas are plentiful and can be found as singles and in blocks.
Most blocks I have seen are forgeries and about half the singles are also forgeries.

Original Issues


Forgery Features
1. The main feature of the forgery above right is the missing talon in the left foot
2. The end of the tail is small and crude
3. The background between the numerals is incomplete
4. The head is shaped differently and there is a large dash on the right side
5. The background objects are completely different and lacking
NOTE – The rough perforations are not a common forgery trait.
I have seen these with clean perforations such as the auction block shown below.

Cherrystone auction

Common forgery

Switzerland 1919 Sc C1 & C2

 The first 2 airmail stamps of Switzerland routinely come up in the common auctions. The are for the most part fakes unless accompanied with a recent certificate by a Swiss expert.

Genuine Issues
The modern forgeries can be very deceptive and ALL the parts of the overprint need to be compared including..
1. The curvature of the wings
2. The separation width between the feathers.
3. The exact shape of the openings in the central disk
4. In particular the angle of the last bottom feather
5. The overall angle of the overprint
I have not seen any full forgeries as the base stamps are relatively easy to find.
Kull made large quatities of these fakes.

This is a very crude fake
The wings have little curvature
The openings between the feather groups is too large
The feathers are too close together
The openings in the center are too small
The overprint angle is wrong

This is a common modern forgery
The gaps between feather groups are too large
The central openings are different
The last bottom feather is too inclined

Another fake with many of the previous faults
In particular the feathers are too wide particularly in the 50 value

30c Fakes
The used 30c is rare and an excellent copy will fetch over $1000
Here the forgery on the left is compared to a certified genuine right.
The feathers are not curved enough
The feathers are too close together
The central openings are wrong
The last right feather is little more than a blob.

Monday, July 17, 2023

France - Napoleon 1852-1862

 Although the main forgers/sellers were Fournier, Spiro and Sperati, only Sperati achieved a superb measure of similarity. His forgeries have been sold on many prominent auctions with neither the auction house nor the buyer aware.
Much of the forgery analysis will focus on Sperati forgeries.

Genuine Issues
1852, 10c Dark Bister on Yellowish Paper
1852, 25c Blue
Recognized by the “B” under the neck. Initial of Jacques-Jean Barre the designer and engraver

1853, 40c Orange on Yellowish Paper
1853, 1fr Lake on Yellowish Paper

1854, 5c Green on Greenish Paper
1854, 80c Lake on Yellowish Paper

1860 20c Type II
1860, 80c Rose on Pinkish Paper 

Compared to genuine on the left.

1852 10c
Probably a Spiro forgery right
Although the header reads REPUB, the “B” is missing
Note also that the top and bottoms tablets have been added to the main central image. Both are out of alignment.
The pearls are not consistent in size or spacing.

Fournier forgery right
No “B” below the neck
The mustache and ear are very different.
The key ornaments on the sides are broken, distorted and missing

Sperati 10c Reproduction 'A' has some minor spots in the 'PO' of 'POSTES'. 
Also, a horizontal scratch can be found in the last bottom 'C' extending towards the right bottom square.

Sperati Reproduction 'B' has a scratch in the design below the 'U' of 'REPUB'. 
It was sometimes, but not always cancelled with a constant numeral cancel '2235'
However, other cancels exist: the numeral cancels '1128' and '2273'. 
Unused Reproductions 'B' also exist

Sperati reproduction “C” right
Reproduction ‘C’ is actually Reproduction ‘A’, but with the cancel removed. In the right hand border halfway up there is a distortion.
There is a distorted pearl at 4 o’clock
Shading lines are lacking in the eyebrow
It also exists as a black ‘die-proof’ (see below)

Another Sperati with faults in the right border

1852 25c
Sperati 1852 right
Extremely dangerous
Small break in the frame line below the “FR” and a white spot below the break
Top of the “T” is slightly inclined
Top of the first “S” is shorter and more curved
Small dent in the top “P”

1853 1Fr
A very crude forgery easily distinguished from the original.

Fournier forgery right
The 1032 is known to be one of his cancels.
The lines in the neck are thicker.
The chin beard is thinner.
The ear shading is lacking.

Fournier forgery, probably a second choice one right
The shading lines in the ear are different
There are more breaks in the shading lines of the neck and cheek.
The letters and numerals appear to be shorter.
The S in POSTES has a narrow top section.
The last F is crude

A pair of Fournier forgeries
Many of the letter issues have been fixed so this is probably a first choice forgery.
The last F is still crude
The 1’s are slightly tilted as is the bottom of the T’s.
The shading lines in the ear are different

A pair of Fournier tete beche forgeries
Many of the letter issues have been fixed so this is probably a first choice forgery.
The last F is still crude
The 1’s are slightly tilted as is the bottom of the T’s.
The shading lines in the ear are different

1853 1Fr Lake on yellowish paper

Spiro forgery right
The pearls are too small
The mustache is different
The side keys are crude and missing sections
The letters are thin

An impossible pair from Spiro?
Very uneven letters
Pearls are too small

Sperati reproduction “A” right
Reproduction ‘A’ has some minor spots in the ‘PO’ of ‘POSTES’.
Also, a horizontal scratch can be found in the last bottom ‘C’ extending towards the right bottom square.
Reproduction ‘A’ has a numeral cancel ‘898’ and circular date cancels. Apparently, this cancel is always in the same position so this is a key feature

Sperati reproduction ‘C’ is very dangerous. right
There is a small scratch through the lower part of the first ‘S’ of ‘POSTES’.
Sometimes a white spot at the upper right part of the right ‘1’.
Some pearls are not uniform and the spacing varies

Cancelled reproduction C with the common 2273 cancel

Sperati reproduction “D” right
This forgery has a constant star cancel always in the same position.
He apparently copied a genuine cancelled stamp.
Some pearls around 11 o’clock are fused.
Some letters of EMPIRE are distorted.

Reproduction ‘E’ has a rather large break in the outer frameline, just before the upper left corner ornament.
A similar break can be found in the upper right hand corner.
There are some very small white dots in front of the first ‘E’ of ‘EMPIRE’ around the normal large dot.
Several hairs are dotted or broken instead of being solid.
The cancels ‘295A’ (below) and ‘698’are common to this reproduction

Sperati reproduction “F” right
A very dangerous forgery.
There are many weak areas on the outer frame.
The top of the “T” in POSTES is slightly shorter as is the top of the first “S”
Some hairlines are different.

A cancelled Type “F”

Sperati tete-beche Type L
An extremely dangerous forgery that has been sold as genuine
In the left stamp there is a very small white dot between the letters ‘R’ and ‘A’ of ‘FRANC’. The right hand side stamp has a broken line and white space below the
‘FR’ of ‘FRANC.

2 Type L with cancels "3383" & "1792"

Sperati reproduction M, these are affixed to fake covers and have the same flaws as the “L” above. The well designed fake cover below

The most common Sperati numeral cancels include;
295A 318 698 852 924 978 1032 1128 1129 1425 1632
1675 1792 1954 2221 2235 2273 3151 3383 4305

1854 5c
Avery crude forgery
Background lines straight
Distorted lettering
Heavy coarse shading

Forgery taken from Moskau catalog
Thin uneven letters
Rough facial shading
Broken wavy line background

1860 20c
Sperati reproduction of two 20 c tete-beche stamps only exists uncancelled. 
Distinguishing characteristics of the left stamp: some small white dots can be found between the letters 'E' and 'M' of 'EMPIRE' and after the 'F' of 'FRANC'. 
Also a second dot below the dot after the first lower "C"
Distinguishing characteristics of the right stamp: a white dot appears behind the 'P' of 'EMPIRE'. 

Torres forgery
Heavily shadowed face
Tiny pearls
Outside frame colored

Unknown source , possibly Fournier
Ear shading wrong
Narrow letters
Background wavy lines distorted

1860 80c 
Various eBay sold forgeries for $40

Bogus non existent 50c

1869 5Fr
I felt that given it's very high CV I should include it

Very crude

Modern Replica

Peter Winter

And finally Fournier's different cancels