The Original Die used to print this 1 Real value was engraved in 1854 by Don Jose Perez Varela at the Fabrica Nacional de Sellos in Madrid, Spain.
A few features were added so it could be differentiated from any possible forgeries that were numerous for Spanish issues.
The cost and difficulties in obtaining large amounts of hand-made papers prompted the Spanish Postal authorities to use an unwatermarked machine-made paper which prompted the flood of forgeries.
The 1R has a variety of colors and quality depending on the state of the dies at the time of printing.
Deep green, yellow green & worn die lemon colorNOTE - In the genuine, the circle is not centered but slightly to the right and there should be 73 evenly spaced pearls in the circle
Forgery Type I
- Top letters are thinner and the second "0" is inclined.
- The right inferior rossete is flat at the base.
- Number 1 is thinner than the original.
- The bell shape ornaments are smaller
- The line of the hair touches the eye and the eyebrow.
- This counterfeit appeared during the years 1859-63
- The height of the counterfeit stamp is slightly shorter than the genuine.
- Flaw under "P" of PLATA.
- Letters are more irregular, specially the second “A" of PLATA.
- The 1 is thicker and more imperfect than the original.
- The line of the hair is almost a straight line in the forehead and thicker between the eye and the ear.
- This counterfeit appeared during the period 1862-1863.
Postal use of Type II
Havana to Santander, Spain.
Havana, September 30, 1862.
Type II Block |
- The face of the Queen is very different
- The top C & S are inclined
- The background pearls are smaller and uneven
- The bell shape ornaments are not uniform and very different from the originals
- They were counterfeited in Havana and they are known as "COUNTERFEITS OF HAVANA".
- The counterfeiters were apprehended and most of the stamps siezed by the Spanish Authorities.
Type III Block |
- A rather crude forgery
- The queen lacks the laurel leaves in the hair
- The eye is much smaller
- The bell shape ornaments are much smaller
- The top letters are shorter
- Overall very crude
- Under the eye there are vertical shade lines
- The circle pearls vary greatly in size
- Background pearls are scattered with many joined
First, second & third printings |
I have only found 1 postal forgery
- Coarse shading
- Pointed nose
- Small uneven background pearls