Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Poland 1924

Ten hyperinflation denomination Polish stamps, based on the 1921 definitive postage stamps designs, were issued in 1924.  These stamps were printed on thin paper, and their perforation gauges range from 10 to 14 1/2, including examples with compound perforations.
Their valid period was short lived and they appear to be fairly common. Possibly due to foreign demand a variety of forgeries appeared of the 2 highest denominations.
The forgeries vary significantly in design, perforations, imperfs, colors and papers including tete-beche and bogus stamps

Original 1924 set

The originals can be found as imperfs
The red stripe is common on Polish auctions and is probably some form of invalidation.

Genuine block
The numbers in the selvage were probably for PO clerks in assisting the total value to that point in the sheet

The forgeries 0f the 2mil. stamp are numerous, the 1mil appear to be scarce

This forgery is very crudely drawn
Note the middle side decorations that are lacking any resemblance to the original
The top KA are joined
Both top A's extend the right leg to the frame
The bottom right MK is thick and the dot is a dash

The head and tail bear no resemblance to the original
The right top P touches the frame
Details are lacking on the griffin

The same design as the above
The right one has thicker lines and the eye is different

This forgery is the obvious mate to the 1Mil above with the same crude features and missing details
A heavily ribbed paper was used.

This forgery is well done and dangerous
The head is different and lacks the opening around the eye
The feet and claws are thicker

Bogus color
Very crude and poorly printed

Another bogus color sold as a tete-beche
Crude design
Many issues with the letters

By far the crudest design and bogus color
The head looks like a pigeon
Ornaments are only partial
Letters and numerals are uneven