Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Paraguay 1868 Bogus Steamship

 A Bogus issue produced by Samuel Taylor and the Boston Gang 2 years before the first official Paraguay issue.
The original was engraved which led some to believe it was genuine. 
Lithographed forgery copies soon followed.
Original copies are not easy to locate.

Original Taylor Bogus stamp

Type I Forgery
Heavy background lines
Smoke reaches or passes small ship in background
Imperforate and perfed 11.5

Type I Block

Type I with typical cancels

Type II Forgery
Smoke does not reach small boat
Small boat is more visible
Background shading lighter than Type I
Found imperf and perfed 11.5
Perhaps a subset of Type I

Type III Forgery
Large white clouds
Smoke goes well past the small boat
Generally on heavily toned paper
Appears to be generally imperf and uncancelled