Saturday, February 25, 2023

Spain 1870

 Genuine Stamps

Ed. 108

Ed. 109

Ed. 110

Ed. 111


Ed. 113


Ed. NE3 - not issued

Features of the original stamps
1. White area & line break in top left
2. & 3. Line breaks in the outer oval
4. Line break
5. Line break
6. V Notch in the end of the C


Ed. 107
Forgery Type I
Very crude and rough
Letters are awkward and uneven
Coarse shading throughout

Forgery Type II
Crude forgery
Eyes are narrow
Top letters are short
Wide spacing in background waves

Type II Block

Forgery Type III
Decent forgery
Top letters are short and not well aligned
The eyes are not properly shaped

Forgery Type IV
Decent forgery
Top letters are thin
Face and neck shading is short and lacking

Forgery Type V
Good forgery
Shading in eyebrows and chin is different
Eyes are slightly different

Forgery Type VI
Crude forgery
Background waves are shallow
Tired droopy eyes
Heavy shading

Forgery Type VII
Pupils too dark
Bottom letters are thinner
Very dark background
Chin & neck shading wrong

Forgery Type VIII
Good forgery similar to the Type V
Background in the oval irregular
Letters are thinner
Eyes are slightly different

Forgery Type X – many genuine traits visible
Very good forgery – probably Segui
Shading around contour of face and neck is lacking
Shading on chin and neck is heavier

Type X block

Forgery Type XI
Excellent forgery – possibly Sperati
Almost identical to Type X but more breaks in the lines

Forgery Type XII
Possibly a Type XI with fake cancels

Ed. 108
Type I
Very good forgery
Very heavy shading lines throughout
White space in neck is different

Type II
Somewhat crude
Details lacking
Eyes are wrong

Type III
fair forgery
Very heavy shading on chin
Eyes and shading are different
Small s below is misshapen

Type IV
Very thick letters
Heavy shading throughout

Ed. 109
Sperati forgery
Almost perfect forgery as it was taken from an original
Minor differences in the shading especially the hair
Shading around the eyelid is more pronounced

Type I
Very good forgery – possibly Fournier
Breaks around outer oval frame missing
L in MIL is too short

Type II Segui
Many minor details are missing
Eyes are too narrow

Type II block

Type III
2nd top C is distorted
Heavy chin shading
Shading around eyes too heavy
Has what looks like an "a" in the mid left frame

Ed. 111
Sperati Forgery
The loss of white space between the horizontal lines of shading is very noticeable
The curved frameline at top is broken twice, at left and near center
The thick inner curved frame lines do not meet at the top left corner and there is another break to the right in the top line

Fournier Forgery
Lacks genuine features
Eyes are different
Shading lines different

Segui forgery
Genuine traits lacking
Second 0 of 600 not as inclined
Eyes are very different

Ed. 112
Sperati forgery
The loss of white space between the horizontal lines of shading is very noticeable
The curved frameline at top is broken twice, at left and near center
The thick inner curved frame lines do not meet at the top left corner and there is another break to the right in the top line

Segui Forgery
Genuine traits are missing
Eyes are very different
Face looks wider

The star of the matron's crown has its lower tip twisted to the right.

Segui Barrado

Fournier Forgery
Genuine traits missing
Heavy shading throughout
Lower U is too high

Ed. 114
Sperati Forgery
The paper, perforation and cancel are genuine on the above forgeries. The design of a lower valued stamp of the same series was removed by Sperati, he then printed the design on it. He made this forgery look like as if the cancel was on top. 
 Flaw in the "S" of ROOMS at the top.
In the middle of the right leg of the top "A" there is a spiky color.
In the top left corner the inside frame lines do not meet

Segui Forgery
The star of the crown is shaped and inclined differently
Eyes are very different

Segui Block

Segui Barrado