Ed 156
1873. December 1. Charles VII
Carlist post in the Basque Country and Navarre
Printed in lithography by M. Cluzeau, Bayonne (France). Size 21 x 27mm.
Sheets of 84 stamps (12x 7), 121 stamps (11 x11) and 180 stamps (15 x 12). Imperforate.
Circulation: December 1, 1873. Postal validity until July 31, 1874.
Ed 156 with tilde |
Ed 156A no tilde type II. |
Dot above U
High Q
O distorted
Note large Q
Ed 157\
1874. April 15. Charles VII
Carlist mail in Catalonia
Printed in letterpress at Masía Ciarella (Santa María de Besara).
Size 2 1 x 25mm. Sheets of
100 stamps, (1 + 9 x 11). Imperforate.
Circulation: April 15, 1874. Postal validity until November 1875
Extremely crude
Ed 159 - 159A
Torres Forgery which matches his catalogSpiro Type II forgery
Very easy to dectect:
1 Has a vertical hairline over the eyebrow.
2 The beard rather than stripes has a large spot.