Thursday, December 14, 2023

Mexico - Porte De Mar

 The Porte de Mar "stamps" or contrasefias represented fees collected for mail to be carried on British or French ships. They were affixed to the backs of letters to indicate the amount to be paid to the ship's captain by the Veracruz postmaster. They were not required to be canceled but were sometimes tied, usually by foreign transit or receiving marks. Four series were prepared, the first and last of which were not issued.

First Series - Unissued
January 1875. 
Lithographed in sheets of 49 (7 x 7) from two different stones. 
Each sheet contained fourteen 10c, seven each of the 25c, 35c, and 50c, four of the 60c and 85c, and three of the 75c and 100c. Black on yellow wove paper. Imperforate.

2nd Series - Smaller Numerals
Early 1875. 
Lithographed in sheets of 56 (7 x 8). 
The 2c, 1 2c, 20c and most 10c were printed from separate stones while the other values were printed se-tenant from three composite stones. 
Black on white wove paper. Imperforate.
Note: all values except for the 10 centavos show obvious evidence that the numerals of value were inserted on a rectangle of redrawn background lines.

3rd Series Larger Numerals
1875. Lithographed in sheets of 56 (7 x 8). White wove paper. Imperforate.
The figures of value are 8 mm. high compared to 7 mm. on the 2nd Issue, and "CENTAVOS" is 9.5 mm.long compared to 7.5 mm. 
The stamps do not show the rectangle of redrawn background lines under the figures of value

These were sold by Fournier and Spiro Bros

The 50c and 100c are definitely different in the position of "CENTAVOS" and corner  elements.

4th Series - Unissued
Lithographed in sheets of 100. 
White wove paper with watermark
"ADMINISTRACION GENERAL DE CORREOS MEXICO" in double-lined letters, the whole forming an arc which covers about one-quarter of the sheet. Imperforate.

Colors are wrong and with thick background lines

Forgeries sold and cancelled by Fournier

Apparently an 1879 Porte De Mar  essay