1856, October 1. DILIGENCIAS Type 1 (Sol de Mayo). Printed by Mege and Willems in Montevideo using the lithographic system on a 7 x 5 stamp imperforate plate (35 types) on medium white paper.
They were used only for internal postage in the country and their cancellation was done
exclusively with a pen.
Pulled from circulation December 1859
A very rare second printing of the 60 c (larger letters and less rays around the sun, 67 instead of 105)
1856 originals |
All genuinely used stamps bear pen cancels. Any stamps with cancellations other than pen cancels are most likely forgeries. Only a few extremely rare genuine stamps were accidentally canceled with a 'normal' canceling device during the first days of usage.
A very rare second printing of the 60 c (larger letters and less rays around the sun, 67 instead of 105)
These are forged in great numbers
The 60c has at least 12 variations of the first type and 3 of the 2nd
The 80c has 4
The 1r has 5
NOTE Forgeries are esily determined by comparison with the genuine issues
In particular the face, side spandrela and the shape and position on the bottom letters.
60c Forgeries
Hoffmann Type A60 too far left
Face very different
Found in all 3 values with diffrent face
Somewhat dangerous forgery
Slanted S
60 too far left
Face different
60 too far left
Left facsimile erased
Thin letters
Slanting letters
All the rays same length
Side spandrels made of double dashes
S too far right
Eyes looking to side
Spandrels are wavy
Right one is from Fournier album
Typical large bar cancel found on other countries
Fournier Forgeries
Hoffmann BPossibly Berhmann or Mercier
1r full sheet from unknown Fournier supplier
Type A There is a white line in the background joining the left of the D to the white frameline above
(blackprint and normal stamp) of the type II of the 60 c value
Type B
Type A There is a white line in the background joining the left of the D to the white frameline above
(blackprint and normal stamp) of the type II of the 60 c value
- Uruguay Revista newsletter 1917
- Uruguay Ciardi catalog 2006
- Fa;sifications Sellos Uruguay - Robert Hoffmann 1948
- Uruguay Plating 118 pages
- Uruguay Sperati Forgeries
- Upugoay Filatelico
- Uruguat Essays, Proofs & Reprints -
Héctor L. Volpe
- Uruguay - Klaseboer 2022
- SA Forums