Of the three Free and Hanseatic towns Bremen was the first to issue postage stamps, its first labels being on sale in 1855, and it was not until January 1st, 1859, that Hamburg and Lubeck joined the ranks of stamp issuing towns and states.
The stamps of Hamburg had a somewhat restricted use, being only used on local letters for the city and its suburbs, and for franking correspondence to the neighbouring states and to the Netherlands. This may be the reason many used ones are worth much more than unused.
The first set of stamps consisted of seven values-1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 9 schilling.
These stamps were apparently sold mainly in strips, so blocks are VERY rare.
In 1864 these were augmented by the addition of 11/4 and 21/2 stamps, all of these being imperforate.
The engraver was Johann Friedrich Rex Ziesenist and the stamps printed by Th. G. Meissner, printer to the State of Hamburg
In September, 1864, several of the values appeared perforated and by April of the following year all had been issued perforated.
The North German Confederation came into being on January 1st, 1868, and Hamburg, having joined this, ceased to issue its own distinctive stamps.
Hamburg is a somewhat difficult group to collect. Not so much because of the actual forgeries but due to the altered genuine, fake cancels and the large numbers of reprint/forgeries.
The first two issues of Hamburg, the imperforated as well as the perforated, were produced from the same plate, and consequently, show the same features.
NOTE - the 1/2sc. and 4sc. are the main candidates for cut perf fakes. Any imperfed used stamp with small margins is subject to scrutiny.
A total of at least 1.6 mm is required for the upper and lower edge to qualify as an Sc1
Sc 1 & Sc 13
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1859 Sc1 & 1864 Sc13 |
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The Sc13 above with perfs cut - increase in value 50X |
I have also noted an expert stating that the Sc 1 has no thick bar cancels
Genuine stamps up to 1866 have a watermark which given the shape might not be visible on rare occasions.
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Watermark |
Sc 1 Genuine Features
1. Dot at the bottom of the "H”
2. Often a break in the scroll.
3. The left side of the “M” is separated from the foot.
4. The top of the cross is broken
5. Dot generally visible left of star
6. Tiny dots here (if visible)
7. Tip of star touches the tower
8. Bottom separated from the shaft 9 described as "secret mark"
9. Break in bottom leg of the E
10. Several breaks here
11. Left serif of T is longer
12. Thin line joining scroll
- The letters are thick
- Most of the top letters are joined
- The "secret mark" is missing
- The right star is generally broken
- Several bottom letters are joined
A full Fournier sheet from the Geneva collection
The 5X5 arrangement is very typical of a Spiro creation which Fournier sold
- No secret mark
- right star is too high
- Letter G is lopsided
A very crude forgery
- The letters are too thick
- The 2 has a very thin serif
- The 1 is thinner
- The left star touches the 1
- The letters are all uneven and distorted
- The stars touch the top banner
- This will not fool anyone
- The outer frame is very thick
- The letters are very thick
- The tower cross is large
- The castle shading is dense
Sc 2 & Sc 14
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1859 Sc2 & 1864 Sc14 |
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Genuine Sc 2l with plate fault - dot between MB |
Sc 2 Genuine Features
1a. Small dot or dash
2. A large dot only present on a few examples – adds value
3. Flat bottom of “U”.
4. Line above the “U R”
5. Bottom of “R” extends and ends in a dot.
5a. Top of cross does not touch the scroll frame.
6. Small dot
7. Foot of “M” separated from the vertical stroke.
8. Right top of “T” broken.
9. NOTE Left foot of “T” ends in a dot - this is a "secret mark"
9a. Small dot just below left bottom of “S”.
10. Left line not connected to scroll.
11. Small dot
12. Line inside the “1”. May be large or much smaller.
13. Letters AMB are joined
- Overall, letters are thick
1. The H is short & thick
2. The top A has a wide right side
2a. There is a dot left of the A
3. The M is distorted
4. There is a very large cross
5. The right star has a projection
6. The E is not inclined
1-4. Points are missing
5. line missing
6. point is missing
7. line is missing
8. line is missing
9. point is missing
10. straight instead of curved
Letters AMB are not joined
- The top & bottom letters are larger
- The AM is joined but not the B
- The cross is large and touches the scroll
- The secret mark is missing
- Although covered by the cancel, the G has a very long protrusion on the bottom right
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A full Fournier sheet |
2. The 2 has a very long foot
3. The right star is wide and lopsided
4. The end of the 1 is thicker
5. The E is very wide
6. The O is not inclined
7. The left leg is splayed
8. The top right of the K does not extend to the right
9. The E is inclined to the left
Sc 3 & Sc 15
Sc 3 Genuine Features
1. 2 small dots
2. Top of “B” is broken.
3. Small dot between “B & U”.
4. Small projection top of “U” left.
5. Small projection on left side of star.
6. Small dash above “ng”. - NOTE considered a secret mark - not always visible
7. Dot under the left side of the "l" - NOTE considered a secret mark - not always visible
8. Bulge inside top of “S”
2. Top of “B” is broken.
3. Small dot between “B & U”.
4. Small projection top of “U” left.
5. Small projection on left side of star.
6. Small dash above “ng”. - NOTE considered a secret mark - not always visible
7. Dot under the left side of the "l" - NOTE considered a secret mark - not always visible
8. Bulge inside top of “S”
9. Dot besides the "i"
10. End is open
2. Very thick leg on the M
3. Short tail on the R
4. Thick border
5. MA & RK are joined
6. Short serifs on the P bottom
7. Thick right leg on the K
8. Secret Marks missing
Rather rough printing possibly from another forger (Torres or Spiro)
1. Distorted broken m
2. No tail on the R
3. Z joined to ornament
4. S & T damaged - this appears on all the stamps on the sheet
5. Thin P
6. No Secret Marks
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Full Fournier sheet - cancel with no dates visible |
The circular Hamburg 66 with stars is very common
Right one the bars are too thick
Sc 4 & Sc 17
Sc 4 Genuine Features
1. Dot in front of “H” - NOTE considered a secret mark - not always visible
1a. Short last line with small dot at the end.
2. Dot top left of “A”.
2a. The star is often broken bottom left.
3. Generally a space between the dot and ornament.
4. Serif is broken and there is a series of dots above it.
5. Small dot top right of “P”.
5a. Small mark inside the “3” – not always visible.
6. Small dots - NOTE considered a secret mark - not always visible
7. Small dash above center of “3”.
Unfortunately I have very little samples although some 6 are known. Most have traits shown on the other values
1. The break in the O and the ornament below the top H are constant in the sheet
2. The dot above the top R is constant
3. The letters RKE are joined
4. The P has a long top left serif
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A full Fournier sheet |
Sc 5 & Sc 18
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Color Proof |
Sc 4 Genuine Features
1. Scroll end right small dash
2. Scroll end left dot with dash above it
3. Dot - NOTE considered a secret mark
4. Dot above the “E”
4a. Outside frame line broken at top right.
4b. 2 small dots
5. Small dot
6. Damaged corner with heavier line.
7. Dent in end of horizontal stroke.
8. Projection inside left star.
9. Top of “4” broken.
NOTE -The Sc 5 used is rare and most offered are sometimes fake cancels on genuine or generally full forgeries.
1. The R has a short leg
2. The G has a protrusion on the bottom right
3. The ornament is broken
4. The S has small serifs
5. The E is inclined to the rear
6. The K has a short top and long legs
7. The MA is joined
No "secret marks"
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Full Fournier Sheet |
Full Forgery
1. Lines in scroll end are more inclined2. The H is larger
3. The stars are larger
4. The G has a protrusion on the bottom right
5. The E is narrow
6. No "secret marks"
The letters are all thinner but it appears to be ab exact copy of the original with secret marks
The cancel is a common fake Hamburg with stars
Full forgery
Full forgery - B/W images courtesy of German forum member
1. Thick line
2. Secret mark in missing
3. Stars are oddly shaped and have central shapes
4. Secret mark in missing
5. e is almost completely closed
6. Items not on original
7. Vertical line broken
8. Very wide E
9. R has Long leg
10. Very thick uneven and wide letters
1. No dot and dash and short lines
2. No point
3. Stars are wider
4. No secret mark
5. End of r not pointed
6. Narrow bar
7. No secret mark
8. No point on top end of E
9. No point on top left of R
10. White space wider
Top letters are very thick
Sc 6 & Sc 19
Sc 6 Genuine Features
2. Right foot of “R” ends in upwards point
3. Top of E curved inwards.
4. Dot between feet of “A”
5. Scroll line broken, ends in large dot.
5a. Dot right of ornament - NOTE considered a secret mark
6. Dash in top left serif of “7”
7. Broken frame line
Fournier forgery - possibly from another forger and sold by Fournier
Fake cancels – the “Hamburg” cancel with stars is a well known forgery
Both these stamps are very rare used and were on eBay as genuine for far less than the CV.
The left one shows signs of cut perfs on the bottom.
Fournier forgery
1. Left top serif is missing
2. Dot is missing
3. G is narrow with short serif
4. Dot is missing
5. Serif is not curved
6. No dot in the serif
7. Large dot next to ornamentation.
8. Foot is not arched
9. Curl touches the edge
10. Leg does not extend
1. Short serifs
2. Point is missing
3. G is at a different angle with a long bottom right protrusion
4. No dot
5. KE connected
6. No point
7. No secret mark
8. Thin tall P
9. Oval touches the edge
10. RE joined
The MB is joined by a curved line and the B has a weak spot
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Full Fournier sheet |
1. Lines are missing
2. No point, star touches tower pinnacle
3. Leg is not curved
4. No dot
5. No curved serif
6. No point
7. Missing secret mark
8. SP has no curved foot
9. Large scroll end touching frame line
10. Foot not curved and joins K
Overall letters are very thick
Sc 7 & Sc 21
Sc 7 Genuine Features
1. Line may show breaks
2. Extended right foot of “R”.
3. Dots above the “E”
4. Lines of shading below the “E” attached.
5. End of curl touches frame above.
6. End of curl does not touch frame above.
7. Small dot between “P & O” - NOTE considered a secret mark
8. Lines of shading above the “P
Both these stamps are very rare used and were on eBay as genuine for far less than the CV.
The left one shows signs of cut perfs on the bottom.
A total of at least 1.6 mm is required for the upper and lower edge to qualify
These are 2 of the common circular cancel fakes - the year date may be different
1. Top letters different, B large bottom, R missing center bar, G bent
2. Small serif
3. No large dot
4. Tip of star is short
5. Hatching lines missing
6. Short serifs
7. Without a terminating point, not to the edge
8. Missing secret mark
9. further from the edge
10. e end not curved
1. "R" tail too short
2. Straight
3. Fine hatching lines
4. Changed drawing, tall types
5. No hatching
6. "E" middle line "K" set high
7. Touches the edge
8. No secret mark
9. Does not touch the edge
10. Mid bar is straight
1. R lacking long tail, G has long bottom right protrusion
All letters are thick and close together
2. Short serif
3. Large dot
4. Star near the tower
5. No hatching
6. Short serifs
7. Ends of scroll are compressed
8. No secret mark
9. Scroll end further from the edge
10. Bar of e is straight
Overall poorly designed
1. Oddly curved tail
2. Heavy hatching
3. Dot near the scroll
4. Stars do not match
5. Letters are thick
6. Malformed letters
7. Touches the edge
8. No secret mark
9. Crude scroll hatching
10. Thick e
Sc 9 & Sc 12
Due to the hasty manufacture little care was taken always to use the same shades of color, and so Sc 9 is found in at least 6 different colors.
Sc 9 Genuine Features
2. The “A” has an elongated left foot and a fairly heavy line running through the center.
3. The “M” is broader than the other letters
4. The left top bar of the “U” is missing
5. The right star has 5 points with shading inside.
6. Large dot after the “E”
6a. “K & E” are joined.
7. The vertical line just in front of the “M” curves in.
Sc 12 Genuine Features
1a. Large comma shape almost touches the frame line.
2. Diagonal shading in the corner ornaments. The left ones tend to be more pronounced.
3. Long stroke on the top left of the “W”
4. Dot after the “u”.
5. The back line of the “b” generally tends to curve downwards.
6. The left frame line is much thicker than the right one.
Sc 20 Genuine Features
1. Six point stars, right side generally thick
1a. Note shape of cross
2. Foot of “R” ends in dot and vertical protrusion.
3. Center line of “G” extended.
4. Top of “E” curves slightly downwards.
5. Thin upper part of “K”, horizontal center line barely visible.
6. Top left of “P” has a dash slightly above the letter.
7. Dot between ornaments.
8. Dash not connected to back of “B”
9. Line connecting “n” to ornament.
10. 2 small dots
Sc 24 1866 Genuine Features
The floral ornaments have a central white dot
3. There is a small line that goes through the oval of the “g”.
4. The base of the "g" touches the line
6. Broken lines in brickwork
7. Break in corner
8. 6 Point stars are fairly even
9. Leg of U can be very faint
10. Leg of V can be very faint
Sc 26 1867 Genuine Features
1. Small dot in front of the “E”
2. Thin right upper and middle horizontal line is almost invisible
3. Small protrusion on left side of “R”
4. Right bottom of “M” is joined.
4a. Dot after “u” – may be joined to letter
5. Outside frame line bows out slightly.
6. Large Dot and small dot below it (may not be visible)
7. Very broad right end of G”
3. Small protrusion on left side of “R”
4. Right bottom of “M” is joined.
4a. Dot after “u” – may be joined to letter
5. Outside frame line bows out slightly.
6. Large Dot and small dot below it (may not be visible)
7. Very broad right end of G”
The reprints were produced in large quantities for different dealers over a period of many years. Identification can be very confusing
Very tiny white dots in rosettes
The “g” is cut by the frame
The “u & V” have strong right sides
The top left corner, the 2 lines are almost equal thickness
No break in bricks or the inner frame.
Shading in the “1”
Size of the reprint: 19 X 23 mm. The original 19.4 X 21.2 mm
The “g” is cut by the frame
The “u & V” have strong right sides
The top left corner, the 2 lines are almost equal thickness
No break in bricks or the inner frame.
Shading in the “1”
Size of the reprint: 19 X 23 mm. The original 19.4 X 21.2 mm
- Numeral 1 is heavily shaded
- The G is squared and more like a C
- The rosettes have no white dot
NOTE - to call them reprints is a misnomer, they were not authorized and are little more than forgeries.
Bestelmeyer 1886 "reprint"
The dealer J. Goldner obtained large quantities of remainders and these can be found unused with no gum and with fake cancels.
Alleged color essays by the Hamburg printing house C. Adler were made on ordinary paper without water marks for Goldner around 1872.
These are of course bogus stamps
Instruction Stamps
They are somewhat rare as they were generally destroyed after use and those in circulation were ones obtained by dealers.
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