Thursday, December 29, 2022

France - Ceres Issues 1949-50

 Typographed (sheets of 300). Design and engraving: Jacques-Jean Barre
The Ceres series was the first postage stamp series of France, issued in 6 different values from 1849 to 1850 as a representation of the French Republic.
The series bore the effigy of Ceres, goddess of growing plants in Roman mythology. Jacques-Jean Barre did the initial drawing and gravure. Anatole Hulot was in charge of the printing of the Ceres series done in Paris in the 19th century.
The drawing was used again by necessity when the Second Empire fell in 1870, with printing in Paris besieged by German armies and in Bordeaux where the
French government fled. Two new Ceres series were issued in the 1930s and 1940s.

Originals - many color variations exist
NOTE - the 20c blue was unissued. Most were destroyed and originals are extremely rare.

Genuine Features
1. Right foot of R extends further than the top
2. Bottom leg of E is longer
3. Right leg of R is generally cut short
4. The star points do not touch the frame
5. The bottom of the C is often attached
6. 4 outwards pointing keys
7. 18 oval grapes
8. Oval shape
9. 97 large uniform pearls
10. Top of C extends out less than the bottom
11. Blank white area
12. Top of S extends out less than the bottom
13. Generally a break is visible here
14. 5th line up extends to the end of the neck
15. Note the shape of the eye and distinct pupil
16. 5 well defined ears of wheat
17. 2 arcs in the undulation, other corners have 3

Possible Barre Proof


Peter Winter 1980's
Peter Winter's forgeries are some of the best ever made
His catalog published in 1986 under "House of Stamps" is readily available online.
His forgeries were mainly of the rarest stamps and covers.
This is a sample of his work --

The 3 above, Genuine left, forgery right

The 2 above blocks are full forgeries

And finally a couple of tete-beche Winter forgeries

Spiro Forgeries
These are attributed to Spiro but I doubt he is the creator. Probably only a reseller

The key feature is the bald spot on top of the head

Unknown Forger
A fairly active forger he produced copies of all the values including some tete-beche.
Also the stamps can be found cancelled but possibly cancelled by another seller
Genuine left, forgery right

And a 20C tete-beche

Menke-Huber souvenir postcard cut outs
Printed in 1900 they feature a full set of Ceres & Napoleon facsimiles
The individual stamps were cut out and sold as genuine.
The brown edge border is the key sign and the very large pupil

Paul de Toulouse Forgeries
Very little information on his forger.
He appears to have sold his forgeries in he Toulouse region only

Overall they are very deceptive
The mouth is thicker
The pupil is larger
Many of the pearls in the circle frame are fused together and smaller
The 1’s in the 10’s are taller than the 0
The ears of wheat are shorter

Primitive forgeries
These are unique and quite sad looking

Postal Forgery
This is the only known postal
It is known as "Faux de Pons"

The following was listed as a rare essay but it is more likely a bogus item

perati Forgeries
As might be expected, these are the ones that fooled many collectors.
They are very numerous and difficult to determine in auctions with low quality images.
In some cases Sperati copied the plate flaws of a stamp which further increases the deceptive quality.
The following cancels were used by Sperati:
‘LE HAVRE 5E 29 SEPT. 71 (74)’
MARSEILLES 7E 18 JANV. 71 (12)’
and the following numeral dot cancels: ‘359’ , ‘807’, ‘1630’, ‘1792’, ‘2660’ and ‘3151’.
NOTE - Unless otherwise noted the genuine is on the left. Sperati on the right
10c Reproduction A
1. there is a colorless line running from the head of the terminal "C" in bottom value tablet through the background above
2. there are two constant flaws in the background behind the head
3. there is a constant white dot just after the "P" of "POSTES"

10c Reproduction B
Possibly the most deceptive
There is a small dot at the bottom between the ES of POSTE
The ornament in the top right corner is retouched and the top right side of the ornament is irregular.

10c Reproduction C
In the top left corner there is a white spot in the top left corner of that ornament
There is a white spot within the circle just to the right of the central pearl which is joined to the one above and to the circular frame-line
The bottom left corner of the outer frame line has been retouched particularly below the lower left ornament
The colored background edge below the "1" of "10" at lower right is irregular

10c Reproduction D
Broken Pearl at 7o’clock
A small break in the inner frameline above the right C of 10C
There is a white spot just above the center dot of the bottom right corner ornament
The inner frame line is broken immediately over the last "C" in the lower panel

10c Reproduction E
Dash instead of pearl at 3 o’clock
1792 typical Sperati cancel

Reproduction F
Consists of Reproduction C (left) and D (right)

15c Reproduction A
Very deceptive forgery
There is a dent in the upper right part of the ‘P’ of ‘POSTES’. This letter also has its lower left side shaved off.
The C of FRANC has a white dot above it almost connecting it with the white space above it

Reproduction A with fake cancel

15c Reproduction B
Easily recognized as the cancel is always in the same spot

15c Reproduction C
Spot of color in one of the pearls at the left hand side across from the nose
Fused pearls at 7 o’clock

15c Reproduction D
There is a break in the upper part of the ‘P’ of ‘REPUB’.
The left bottom corner ornament has a green flaw extending towards the right.
There is a second white dot below the usual one between the C and’ of 15 C POSTES on the left

15c Reproduction E
Continuous rows of squared dots cancel.

15c Reproduction F
Paris Star cancel ‘8’

40c Reproduction A
The cancel on this forgery is always the same and always has the same position

40c Reproduction C
There is a orange blotch below the ‘RE’ of ‘REPUB’
There is a white blotch below the ‘0’ of the right ’40’.
In some examples the left ‘4’ is badly done.
These forgeries exists with a grill cancel, a mute Paris Star cancel and the following numeral cancels ‘692’, ‘2063’ and ‘3300

1F Reproduction A
This forgery, type A of the 1 F value, is extremely deceptive.
It exists in several colors and with different cancels.
The distinguishing characteristics are (often barely visible):
There is a white dot in the internal left part of the ‘O’ of ‘POSTES’.
Sometimes a break can be found in the extreme left of the lower frameline.
The tips of the wheat ears are smaller
There are breaks in the lower backgrounds
Sperati also made a ‘die-proof’ in black of this forgery.
He also made tete-beche pairs of type ‘A’
Town cancels:
‘BOYNES 21 OCT. 1850 (43)’
‘CREPY 10 JANV. 1849 (58)”CHARTRES 5 JANV. 1849’
‘EPINAL 29 DEC 49 (82)’
‘LA LOUPE 5 JANV. 1849 (27)’
‘LE DORAT 20 AOUT 1849’
‘ORLEANS 2 JANV 1849 (23)’
Grill cancel
Mute Paris Star Cancel
Continuous grill cancel
‘OR’ cancel in a small circle
Various numeral cancels: ‘166’, ‘481’, ‘805’, ‘854’, ‘1675’, ‘1730’, ‘1792’, ‘1818’, ‘1896’, ‘2199’, ‘2250’, ‘2273’, ‘2642’, ‘2733’, ‘2962’, ‘3317’, ‘3273’, ‘3383’, ‘3472’.

The following are all color variations of Reproduction A

1F Reproduction E
The cancel is always in the same position

1F Reproduction G
The top and bottom letters are thicker
The pearls in the circle are uneven
The background is faded
A minor white spot can be discovered below the ‘U’ of the word ‘REPUB’.

Fournier Forgeries
By far the most plentiful of the Ceres forgeries
These were sold by Fournier but supplied by an unknown source - possibly Mercier
10c forgery right

Tete-beche forgery with unusual anchor cancel

Forgery right

Forgery right

Tete-beche 20c with fake cancels

Tete-beche 20c unused

20c Vertical tete-beche

40 c Tete-beche

1f Tete-beche

The following are all tete-beche sheets offered by Fournier

I do not have much information on these other that they were possibly made in 1862
They can be recognized by the dull color printing