Sunday, January 26, 2025

Honduras 1877 Overprints

 After demonetization the mint remainders of the first issue were sold todealers and potential forgers.
The provisionals were valid for only 16 months (2 in Comayagua and 14 in Tegus) in anticipation of the Morazán issue arrival
Even though millions of the first issue were sold directly to stamp dealers, some counterfeiters used forged stamps to with fake overprints.

Genuine stamps
NOTE the checkmark in the mid outer right frame. This is a mark of the stamp being genuine.
Medio real

Un Real

Dos Reales

Forgeries & Fakes
Kreb Bros of NYC Fakes
The Kreb brothers of NYC were the first to take advantage of the remainders released in 1883. Their work included used and covers with fakes of new cancellations introduced in 1884.

Eusebio Toledo was a postal employee who used the originals to make fakes of the provisionals in the late 1890's

Raoul de Thuin  made fake overprints in the early 1900's
I do not have any copies of his fakes.
His overprints are shown above

Fournier sold all 3 varieties of the fake overprint.

Fournier fakes
Key checkmark is missing
Fournier fake overprints

The extremely rare framed overprints also exist as fakes.
Both of the following are from auctions

Krebs Bros Fake

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