Monday, April 29, 2024

Ionian Islands 1859

Greek Single-island and inter-island postal rates were required, as well as one that would cover mail to Greece, but there was some debate over which unit of currency should be used, the British penny, or the local obol?
It was decided to avoid denominations altogether and code the rates by color.
The genuine orange stamps don't have a watermark, the blue stamp has a '2' (this stamp was originally intended to serve as a 2 d stamp) and the red stamp has a watermark '1' (this stamp was intended to serve as a 1 d stamp first)
All three stamps were printed from the same plate, with only a change in color.
50,000 sets were recess printed by Perkins, Bacon & Co and they went on sale on June 15, 1859.
Charles H. Jeens engraved the queen's head after a Henry Corbould drawing.
A Corbould drawing also was the inspiration for the Penny Black.
Genuinely cancelled stamps are very scarce, so forged cancellations abound.
On June 28, 1864 Greece took possession of the islands, invalidating the Ionian Islands stamps and putting Greek stamp use in their place.

Genuine stamps

Genuine Blocks

Genuine used rare pair from a cover

The original source of these forgeries is very much in doubt.
Fournier, Spiro, Panelli, Oneglia, Torres and others produced or sold these but there was obvious interaction
between them.
Most forgeries display characteristics of other forgeries which may in part be due to copying other forgeries rather
than the rare originals.
So, as a guide I am presenting groups (in no particular order) that have similar characteristics.

Type I
Queen has thick eyebrow and pointed nose
Large top hole in the end of the belt
The KP is joined
The right leg of the first K is lacking a complete serif
The top right of the N is curved

Type II
The key feature is the poorly designed eye
The right side of the last letter is too long and the left side lacks the extended serif
There is only one hole on the right of the buckle instead of 2

Type III
Torres Forgery
The queen has a staring vacant look
The top right leg of the K's are too long

Type IV
Spiro Forgery
The top hole at the end of the belt is large
The KP is joined
The left side of the last letter is distorted

Type V
The queen has a curved pointed nose
The eyes are piercing and heavily shaded
The buckle is smaller
The O's are smaller
The P has a short leg
The cancel that appears on others of this set is a typical B62 Hong Kong cancel

Type VI
Overall these are very well made
They may be from Oneglia or Panelli
They can be found with very large margins - these images were cropped
The key feature is the last letter which is tilted

Type VII

Fournier forgeries
It is well accepted that Fournier sold forgeries produced by others
These sheets from the Geneva Fournier collection are identical to the Type V above

The key feature is the wider letters and the narrow N
Several of the letters have the tops cut off
The queen has an angry look
The eyebrow is heavily shaded

Type IX
Unknown source modern
The key feature is the poorly designed eye
The right side of the last letter is too long and the left side lacks the extended serif
There is only one hole on the right of the buckle instead of 2

Assorted Primitive types

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Spain - Segui Forgeries 1862-1875

 This is a contnuation of the most prolific and dagerous forger of Spanish stamps.

Ed 60
Printed by typography on medium gray paper.
1 The line that joins the upper left ornament with the frame is short and does not touch.
2 The pearl that is under the first "A" of SPAIN is oval.
3 Lower lip non-existent.
4 The "C" of CORREOS rounded

Ed 61
Printed by typography on medium gray paper.
1 The line that joins the upper left ornament with the frame is short and does not touch.
2 The pearl that is under the first "A" of SPAIN is oval.
3 Lower lip non-existent.
4 The "C" of CORREOS rounded.

Ed 66
Printed by typography
1 Second "R" is large. 
2 The lower pearl of the upper right scroll is unshaded. 
3 The eyebrow is formed by a line of the same thickness. 
4 Inscription very irregular. 

Ed 70
The lion’s head is narrow.
The left triangle is short.
The hair is drawn with lines of uniform thickness.
The shading of the cheek made with very thick lines.
The chin is prominent
The left and right middle ornaments lack many details

Ed 71
1 The lion's head is narrow. 
2 The left triangle is short. 
3 The hair is drawn with lines of uniform thickness. 
4 The shading of the cheek made with very thick lines. 
5 The chin is prominent. 

Ed 72
The lion of the upper left ornament has no detail.
The first line of the background is very short.
Heavy shading above the eye
No white space in center of neck lines

Ed 73
1 The lion of the upper left ornament without any detail. 
2 The first line of the scratched background is very short. 
3 Front bulge. 
4 Few lines draw the hair from the top of the head. 
5 Vertex neck-bust ends in tip.

Ed 73 Segui color varieties

Ed 78
The lion of the upper left ornament without any detail.
The first line of the background is very short.
Few lines draw the hair from the top of the head.
Neck bust ends in tip.

Ed 80
1 The lion's head is small and the crown almost priceless. 
2 The front area of ??the queen's crown protrudes slightly. 
3 The lining of the chin is a continuous line. 
4 The back of the neck is drawn with a straight line. 
5 The ear is small. 

Ed 80 Segui used

Ed 82
1 The lion’s head is small and the crown almost imperceptible.
2 The front area of the queen’s crown projects slightly.
3 The chin line is a continuous line.
4 The rear area of the neck is traced with a continuous line.
5 The ear is small

Ed 82 Segui Block

Ed 83
1. Small ear.
2. Forehead has slight bulge
3. 1 & 9 are inclined
4. Neck lines are heavy
5. Tip of crown protrudes slightly

Ed 83 Segui Block

Ed 84
1 The lion’s head is small
2 The front area of the queen’s crown protrudes slightly.
3 Chin is a continuous line.
4 The back of the neck is drawn with a continuous line.
5 The ear is small.
6. Background lines are broken & uneven

Ed 84 Segui Block

Ed 85
1. Small ear.
2. Forehead has slight bulge
3. Neck lines have no white space
4. Tip of crown protrudes slightly

Ed 86
1. No white space in neck lines
2. Bottom dot close to the C
3. eyebrow is thinner
4. Shading on nose is different

Ed 89A
The ear lobe is larger
The corner elements are spaced further away from the oval frame
The shading on the neck does not extend as far into the cheek.
The tip of the neck is pointed.

Ed 90
No secret mark
The top bar of the E in DE is tilted upwards
The shading on the cheek is short.
Not enough lines in the shading above the eyebrow.
Ed 90 Segui Bloc

Ed 93
The top of the O in IMPRESSOS is not slanted
The break in the vertical left side of the 5 is missing
The break in the inner circle opposite the S is missing

Ed 94
Letters in the inside frame are thinner
The color dot under the O of FRANQUEO is missing
The numerals are thinner

Ed 95
Only 4 lines of shading above the eyebrow
The tilde above the N is short
The flower ornaments in the oval are not uniform

Ed 97
No break in forehead line at eyebrow level
Shading in hair very heavy
Heavy shading on nose and ey

Ed 109
Many minor details are missing
Eyes are too narrow

Ed 108 Segui Block

Ed 112
Many minor details are missing
Eyes are too narrow

Ed 112 Barrados

Ed 114
1 Lacks all marks of authenticity. 
2 The star of the matron's crown has its lower tip twisted to the right.triped above "5" only has 2 stripes for the 4 of the original.
Ed 114 Segui Block

Ed 114 Segu Barrados

Ed 134
1 Perfs 13 3/4 line the original 14 comb. 
2 Lacks all marks of authenticity. 
3 Ball of the scepter moved to the right. 
4 Chest nipple drawn with a line and a dot. 
5 The letter "M" of COMMUNICATIONS higher on the left. 
6 Right upright of the "N" of short COMMUNICATIONS. 

Ed 139
Shadow around the skirt
P & E are less inclined
Slope of nose is differen

Ed 134 Segui Barrados

Ed 144
Printed by lithography on medium white paper.
1 White spot in the "S" of SPAIN.
2 Line perfed 14 1/4 instead of comb 14

Ed 144 Degui block

Ed 146
Printed by lithography on medium white paper.
1 White spot in the "S" of SPAIN.
2 Line perf 14 1/4 instead the genuine comb 14

Ed 146 Segui Block

Ed 153 Segui Barrados

The following are all sgui. I do not have the oiginals

Introduccion al estudio y relacion de los sellos falsos postales de Espana – Francisco Graus
Michel Europe West 2012
Spain & Dependencies – Edifil.2009
Focus on Forgeries – Varro Tyler
Spain Specialized Vol.1 1850-1931 Edifil Tome 1
Catalogo dos Sellos De Espana – Antonio Duro
Seranne Guide to Forgeries
Torres Catalog 1879
Las falsificaciones del Sello Espanol – A. Monne 1965
SPAIN FORGERIES 1850 to 1925 by De Haene
Timbrex – H. Schloss
Forged Stamps of all Countries – Dorn
Album Weeds – Earree
Tedesco Forgery Index
Handbok Fer Filatelister – S. Tullberg
Guia del coleccionista de sellos de Correos de España, 1850-54 – Tort